Jeudis du Libre: LoRaWan & The Things Network
By Romain Cambier
11 November 2016A presentation about LoRaWan & The Things Network will be given on Thursday 11/17 in Mons, organized by the "Jeudis du Libre" Mons team, and animated…
We are on a mission to provide Walloon region, Belgium with a free IOT data network!
First, we have deployed a minimal network coverage for the cities of Liège and Charleroi as a "beta version".
Next step is to extend the network across all Wallonia, that's why we need your help!
Come and join us ;-)
We are on a mission to provide Walloon region, Belgium with a free IOT data network!
First, we have deployed a minimal network coverage for the cities of Liège and Charleroi as a "beta version".
Next step is to extend the network across all Wallonia, that's why we need your help!
Come and join us ;-)
Official community
And 62 contributors.
Show allA presentation about LoRaWan & The Things Network will be given on Thursday 11/17 in Mons, organized by the "Jeudis du Libre" Mons team, and animated…
The first TTN workshop by the official TTN team will be on 29th of June in Liège, at WSL/The Labs (
Here is a link to book your tickets: …
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
jeremy_dfm is now part of Walloon region community
Walloon region community page updated
The Things Network Walloon region got its 50th member
There is a new published community nearby (Tournes)
Congratulations! Today is the 1-year anniversary of the community!
For now: Romain Cambier - or slack: