Official community

Miguel Franco-Martínez

The Things Network User

Posted on 12-12-2021

After the official presentation of the community taken place last 11th December, joint with a brief exposition about LoRa and LoRaWAN, we can announce that we are now an official TTN community.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 pandemics did not allow to make the presentation the way we would like to; however, everybody wanting to attend the presentation could do it, having taken into account all prevention measures we need to take care about to avoid contagion (social distancing, hand disinfection, use of mask, etc.) .

We would like to thank to our partner A Industriosa for having lent us space for making the presentation, as well as to all our audience. We wish everybody would have gone home after learning something new.

We hope that we can overcome COVID-19 pandemics soon, so we can make more interactive and massive activities. In the meanwhile, we encourage people to join us, and we will soon organise some small workshops -- they will be petit-comité-sized, seats will be limited and they will be announced conveniently.