Последните промени на TTN
By Milen Stoychev
30 December 2021Имайте предвид, че напоследук TTN направиха доста промени, не само във интерфейса към гейтовете, но и администрацията на устройства и community. Аз н…
Our mission is to provide Sofia with a long range data network for low powered IoT devices that can be used free of charge.
The small founding team has experience with network design and deployment, software development, electronics and project management.
We already tested some sensors with Lora modules as well some simple LoraWAN gateways and our next goal is to install a few outdoor gateways and test coverage and features of the network.
We would appreciate any help from new member, helping with technical details, logistics, finding more contributors or funds.
Our mission is to provide Sofia with a long range data network for low powered IoT devices that can be used free of charge.
The small founding team has experience with network design and deployment, software development, electronics and project management.
We already tested some sensors with Lora modules as well some simple LoraWAN gateways and our next goal is to install a few outdoor gateway…
Official community
And 53 contributors.
Show allИмайте предвид, че напоследук TTN направиха доста промени, не само във интерфейса към гейтовете, но и администрацията на устройства и community. Аз н…
Да поизтупаме комюнитито от прашището.
Сложихме един гейт на височко.
Ще е полезно, ако си пуснете мапърите да видим къде и какво покрива.
Като цял…
Някой в района на Лщлин или Надежда за да тествам този гейт дали работи коректно и антената дали е читава или да я сменям.
Весели празници
Срещата е насрочена за Четвъртък, 31ви Май, 19:00 часа в ресторант Севън Сенс , Младост 1 .
English summary below.
в последно време се случват много неща около LoraWAN и подобни протоколи. Добавят се много гейтове в и около София …
Първата среща вече е насрочена :
Ресторант - В Двора
гр.София , жк.Гео Милев ул.Хемус 24
[EN] It is time to organize a meeting and make our community official. Any ideas about time and place are welcome!
[BG] Вече имаме достатъчно гейто…
DIY fully functional LoraWAN gateway with Inmak antenna.
Would be interesting if somebody gives it a try :)
Currently I am able to see a lot of Lora…
Срещата с Adri Wischmann от Internet of Things (Холандия) е насрочена за 22-ри Юни в 18:15 часа в Дивака на ул. Гладстон ( близо до пл. Славейков). П…
[EN] Mr. Adri Wischmann from the Internet of Things (NL) will be coming to Sofia soon to speak at this event:
A test Kerlink Gateway is installed on the Comet Electronics building located in Druzhba 2 district.
If anyone wants to use it for test purposes, ple…
Yesterday evening we had a meeting with 2 Plovdiv community members and they shared their experience. We discussed mainly technical matters - Plovdiv…
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
kaloyanradev is now part of Sofia community
The Things Network Sofia got its 50th member
Milen Stoychev posted an update in The Things Network Sofia: "Последните промени на TTN"
Congratulations! Today is the 1-year anniversary of the community!
The Things Network Sofia becomes official!
Please contact us by email:
milen at stoychev dot net
or in the FB group:
or Slack: