TTN Community meeting Monday 3rd December 2018
Venue: Ove Arup & Partners
Welcome and Introductions:
Chair Dr Geraint Jones (GJ) introduced himself as Operations Manager for the Pitch-In
project, led by the University of Sheffield. GJ responded to the request for help from Chris
Dymond, and would be helping with the organisation of the Sheffield Things Network
- Geraint Jones - Operations Manager for the Pitch-In project, University of Sheffield. - Promoting the Internet of Things via Collaborations between Higher Education Institutions and Industry to benefit the UK
- Steve Jubb - Urban Flows Laboratory
- Gareth Roberts - Regather - (300 customers interested in IoT with relation to regather, and other social enterprises. Referenced, involved with SCHARR at UoS; Fresh Start with Sheffield Council - vouchers for vegetables and fruit at Moor Market; Internet of Food Things
- Matt Gillott - Works at Land Instruments - interested in Digital Strategy at a personal level. Land Instruments’ premises would be a good location for a Gateway.
- Rob Whiteside - works in Traffic Control at Rotherham Council / Sheffield Hackers & Makers
- Simon Redding - TTN Chesterfield
- Simon Nieder - TTN Chesterfield (Simon R and Simon N showcased some of the sensors they had procured/adapted)
- Sarah Cullen - Sheffield City Council
- 14 Gateways
- 31 Contributors
- 47 Members of the #InternetOfThings channel on Slack
- 102 Followers on Twitter
(Yorkshire now has a significant concentration of gateways, marching up the east side of the Pennines, with Chesterfield, Sheffield, Barnsley, Wakefield, Huddersfield, Leeds, Calderdale and Harrogate).
- Roy Woodhouse has stepped away as a Core Team member.
- Dr Geraint Jones from the Pitch-In Project at TUoS has stepped in.
- If anyone else wants to help organise, please volunteer & we'll make you a Core Team member. We should use the Slack (IoT channel and DMs) to coordinate.
- We are going to decommission the mailing list, and direct interested people to sign onto the Things Network Community page and the Sheffield Digital Slack.
Things Network News:
- Did anyone go to the Things Network On Tour event in Norwich? No one present attended.
- LoRaWAN Conference 2019 in Amsterdam, Jan 31 - Feb 1st. (Remember Amsterdam is quicker and cheaper to get to from here than London is!)
- Updates from Steve Jubb:
- Urban Flows laboratories – are supporting the Sheffield Things Network – can help with equipment for and setup of network.
- Have purchased 2 gateways – one to be installed at WanDisco, and at the Hicks building.
- City centre node to be live 4th December.
- How do we configure across the city? Purchasing set of RF Survey equipment.
- Don’t think enough about WiFi networks when doing urban planning.
- From TTN POV can use TTN mapping nodes. Can use any node with a phone.
- SJ – would be useful to have a hack morning to get TTN mapping node going. Hackspace very limited in terms of space. Have common project – this would be a good one. Mindsphere or I-forge – could be done at UoB
- Important to get infrastructure fit for purpose.
- Hamish - has money for NodeBox
- Carrying out Air Quality measurements across the city - 40 sensors
New Gateways:
- Whose are the new gateways? - Are there any new gateways are in progress? E.g. the one on the Hicks Building?
- See note from Steve Jubb above.
- Action: Steve Jubb and Matt Gillott to liaise about locating a Gateway at Land Instruments.
- Does anyone know how the Digital Catapult is converting its Things Connected network to The Things Network?
- Some discussion but no direct information.
Coverage & Propagation:
- Has anyone done any testing recently? Is TUoS' Mobius van doing any?
- SJ - see plans in update above.
- Can we start collecting data? Can we add data to the ODI Leeds map? (
- The meeting with Manchester to link over the Pennines didn't happen in the end, but we might want to look at this next year?
- Action: GJ to ensure trans-Pennine link on agenda for January meeting
- Is anyone running anything on the network?
- Can we run another series of Hacks next year, taking into account the lessons learned?
- Action: SJ / GJ to set up morning hack on TTN Mapping Node at UoS - Mindsphere or iForge
- Action: GJ to set up hack session at UoS on visualisation of Sheffield TTN data
- Are there other initiatives the community could engage with?
- There were initial informal discussions between members
- Are there any projects that members are building or would like to build?
- There were initial informal discussions between members
- We should try to convene Community meetings on a monthly basis again from the New Year. Any volunteers to host in January?
- Action: GJ to arrange next meeting for January 2019 at UoS
- Are there any more partners / logos to add to the community page?
- Sheffield Hackspace
- None