New LoRaWAN® gateway on the Calandbrug Rotterdam-Europoort to expand the coverage of the Port of Rotterdam area with The Things Network and The Things Industries.
Given the gateway’s prime location, it will greatly increase the coverage and redundancy for the free and open global Internet of Things (IoT) network.
SkyLab, ProRail, VolkerRail, Rijkswaterstaat, Nationaal Data Wegverkeer, Customs, Bureau Veritas and Vopak are among the companies in a joined effort to further increase and utilize this increased coverage for its own (and others) IoT projects using The Things Network and Industries.
IoT technologies can be used for a vast number of applications for Ports, Industries and City’s.
If You’re also interested in participating to connect the Rotterdam area and the Port of Rotterdam to the Internet of Things, and/or curious about all these kinds of possibilities feel free to contact us.