Since today, officialy the Principado de Asturias is staring operations on The Things Network.
The idea behing stablishing this group officialy is to canalize all interested IoT initiatives to learn and run IoT projects in our region with the support of a big, world wide, community of people, so you don't have to start from zero, neither in knowledge and resources.
Raise and growth a public IoT network in Principado de Asturias is just the begining. The limit es eventually your imagination. But if you prefer to joing other wel stablished work teams, any collaboration is much more than welcomed as well as ideas, proposals and, of course, request for help, that will be attendend with care.
If you know that IoT means... Fantastic! We are waiting for you.
If you don't know exactly what IoT means, then... Fantastic! We are here to teach you and help you on your projects :)
Come, get in touch! :)