Contribute to Australian server and frequency decisions
By Tom Zorde
16 February 2021The TTN communities of Australia are collaborating to standardise deployments and improve TTN for everyone.
This included frequency plans and other …
We are a community of volunteers in Perth Western Australia who are building a free long-range low-power Internet of Things data network for anyone to use to innovate, learn and demonstrate the value of IoT.
This project is run through Perth IoT, a purpose-driven organisation helping many partners achieve the promised outcomes of emerging technology by focusing on people ahead of technology, fact ahead of hype, and sustainable outcomes for our planet ahead of profit.
We are accelerating our efforts through a coordinated effort to acquire gateways, hosts and build experiential learning through Perth Internet of Things Communications Network project -
The project will allow the broader workforce community to future-proof themselves with relevant skills needed for the fourth industrial era.
Want to be involved? Join us and host a gateway or help us rollout the network. You can attend our IoT related workshops and collaborate with follow community members to build IoT solutions.
The volunteers of the Perth IoT Community number over 2000 members who collaborate and network through meet-ups. In partnership with the The Things Network we've called the project The Perth IoT Communications Network.
Follow the progress of our community project on twitter at
or catch up on everything at
We are a community of volunteers in Perth Western Australia who are building a free long-range low-power Internet of Things data network for anyone to use to innovate, learn and demonstrate the value of IoT.
This project is run through Perth IoT, a purpose-driven organisation helping many partners achieve the promised outcomes of emerging technology by focusing on people ahead of technology, fa…
Official community
And 138 contributors.
Show allThe TTN communities of Australia are collaborating to standardise deployments and improve TTN for everyone.
This included frequency plans and other …
New gateway up and running in Lesmurdie. Thanks to all the team that contributed to the site, hardware, config and installation!
Hi All,
I have access to a site in Lesmurdie that has pretty good coverage over the Perth coastal plain, and have permision to install a LoRaWAN gate…
Below is a timeline of key milestone achievements for PIOTCN. The idea of keeping this post updated is that other community projects can learn from o…
When we do community projects in Perth we do them with energy and momentum.
We formed in 2 weeks with the vision to future-proof yourself and your co…
Thanks to Tom Zorde and 57 volunteers the Perth IoT CommunicationsNetwork project is underway - the project is not just technology-centred and is in…
Yesterday, 14 May 2017, I published a Perth IoT Communications Project Information Pack calling for Expressions of Interest from the Internet of Ever…
Perth is set to be a leader in innovation by setting up an open and decentralized Internet of Things network. "With a small group of people it is now…
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
fincl is now part of Perth community
Perth community page updated
Tom Zorde posted an update in The Things Network Perth: "Contribute to Australian server and frequency decisions"
The Things Network Perth got a new partner: "City of Perth"
The Things Network Perth got its 50th member
Tom Zorde - Perth IoT Community Manager and PIOTCN Founder