We are connecting silos using wireless devices and LIDAR sensor technology. You can easily get the real-time level data of the material in the silo’s anytime and anywhere, so that you don't need to climb the silo to inspect the silo, which protects your personal safety and also reduces human errors to improve the accuracy of silo inspection. By using near-infrared ToF (Time of Flight) technology, we can offer non-contact continuous level detection and provide an ultra wide range of equipment options from 8m to 350m to meet the majority of grain and feed silos. The LiDAR is equipped with a unique dust-removal wiper, which easily solves the problem of dirt and ensures stable ranging performance even in dirty scenarios.
Add complementary Agro-tech sensors like soil temperature, humidity, wheatear stations, mulch temperature sensors and more to the platform to extend the functionality as you wish.
Flexible and scalable IoT platform that allows you to build your own IoT system based on a stable and flexible IoT stack with all the necessary features. Keep a watchful eye for you and send notifications to you via E-mail, SMS or Telegram and all the metrics available via web interface.
IOT #nbiot #lorawan #iotsolutions #iotplatform #onprem #whitelabel #lidar #silo #smartagriculture #smartfarming #agro #agriculture #agroindustrial