New gateway on mountain Sinji Vrh
By Robert Ambroz
12 August 2022Despite there was no news on page for a while, we're active and we're expanding network as well as coverage. In July we mounted new gateway on anothe…
Our mission is to provide the entire Nova Gorica with Internet of Things data connectivity by crowdsourcing the network by its citizens and local companies.
We are happy to have you join the community. Contact the core team and help us unleash the Internet of Things in Nova Gorica.
Our mission is to provide the entire Nova Gorica with Internet of Things data connectivity by crowdsourcing the network by its citizens and local companies.
We are happy to have you join the community. Contact the core team and help us unleash the Internet of Things in Nova Gorica.
Official community
And 32 contributors.
Show allDespite there was no news on page for a while, we're active and we're expanding network as well as coverage. In July we mounted new gateway on anothe…
We will start to move our gateways from v2 to v3 at the end of this summer. We are aware of v2 "forgotten" nodes, which should operate without interr…
Right on this beautiful area, we have placed another TTN gateway. Only imagine can describe, what this gateway seeing from its position on the roof o…
Spreading love for IoT and TTN : Ajdovščina gains nice coverage with single gateway. We hope to add some more redundancy and spark lot of "smart" pro…
Our new contributor and gateway owner Tomo Komel has achieved LoRaWAN mapping distance record - Tomo, congratulations!
Another prove that LoRaWAN is …
We are glad to welcome Instrumentation Technologies d. d. as our new community partner.
Great TTN Conference in Maribor! It was our honor to meet Johan Stokking from tech lead of TTN community!
More people has more power. More people can generate unimaginable ideas beyond today's limited perception - let's brainstorming together.
We looking …
TTN Nova Gorica team @ Kulendayz 2018 session "How LoRaWAN opening new possibilities in farming"
First gateway in Slavonija @Croatia is up and running for the KulenDayz 2018 conference
For everyone eager to explore LoRAWAN technologies
For developers, business & technical professionals and teachers – experts and beginners alike.
Test run of new LoRaWAN gateway before deployment. Our network growing up!
It was just a matter of time when we would mount the next gateway. And the great geographic location of Cerje monument was the perfect place for our…
We made it! We unleashed TTN Community Nova Gorica and we became an official community of The Things Network. Special thanks go to Rish from TTN for …
Great achievements have great teams. Nowadays you cannot be successful without collaboration and particularly on IoT segment based on communications.…
Yesterday we made another great step - city Nova Gorica is covered with LoRa signal. And the step is even bigger. We covered north-western part of ci…
Yesterday we managed to install the TTN gateway at the contest location of amateur radio club S53S. Mount Trstelj stands 643 meters high and offers g…
On 30th march at 17.00 we are organizing third official meeting at NOE Bar . Last week was full of activities from the HW, SW and social point of vi…
We have successfully tested three gateways, put together few nodes and we are decided to proceed with next phase. With partners we'll extend coverage…
So the story has begun. We are "in" and we are heading towards our dreams based on our passions. It is great to be a part of TTN community!
We provide internet connectivity and infrastructure monitoring services to the TTN community in Goriška region.
Helping to promote the community to expand, hosting events and giving resources for ongoing projects.
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
saco is now part of Nova Gorica community
There is a new published community nearby (Brkini)
Robert Ambroz posted an update in The Things Network Nova Gorica: "New gateway on mountain Sinji Vrh"
Nova Gorica community page updated
The Things Network Nova Gorica got a new partner: "Hotel San Martin"