Community Meeting BBQ Edition
By Samuel Puschacher
18 September 2018Hello everybody,
I hope you had a good summer!
To give each other some inspiration, what to do on the cold, grey days we want to make a Community Mee…
Wir wollen LoRaWAN in Niederösterreich voran bringen.
Unsere Community soll die Möglichkeit zum Wissensaustausch bieten und gemeinsam möchten wir coole Projekte realisieren.
We want to push LoRaWAN forwards in Lower Austria.
Our Community should offer a platform for sharing knowledge and building great projects together.
We are happy to have you join the community. Contact the core team and help us unleash the Internet of Things in Niederösterreich.
Wir wollen LoRaWAN in Niederösterreich voran bringen.
Unsere Community soll die Möglichkeit zum Wissensaustausch bieten und gemeinsam möchten wir coole Projekte realisieren.
We want to push LoRaWAN forwards in Lower Austria.
Our Community should offer a platform for sharing knowledge and building great projects together.
We are happy to have you join the community. Contact the core team and help …
Official community
And 58 contributors.
Show allHello everybody,
I hope you had a good summer!
To give each other some inspiration, what to do on the cold, grey days we want to make a Community Mee…
Hello everyone,
the last time it was very silent which was caused by the preparations for our upcoming workshop.
We organized one Workshop in our are…
To keep everybody up to date and allow discussion of ideas TTN Lower Austria uses a free mailing list.
Everybody is welcome to subscribe.
List addres…
Hello everyone,
I am happy to announce our Christmas Edition Meeting!
Introduction to TTN and LoRaWAN
Our Roadmap
Talking about Projects
Hello guys,
we are going to build some Gateways with the Vienna Community on Sturday
For the location and time write me on Slack: @Samuel
Stay tuned!
We are going to have our first Community meeting, together with the Vienna Community,
Save the date:
22. November 2017
Time: 17:30
The Locat…
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
soiza is now part of Niederösterreich community
The Things Network Niederösterreich got its 50th member
Congratulations! Today is the 1-year anniversary of the community!
The Things Network Niederösterreich organizes a Meetup on 26 September
Samuel Puschacher posted an update in The Things Network Niederösterreich: "Community Meeting BBQ Edition"
Contact us:
or over Slack #noe ( ), or Twitter