Updating to V3 ...
By Robert Oberwinkler
4 October 2021After watching the Video "Migrate from The Things Network V2 to The Things Stack" by Nejra Selimovic I went down to move some Nodes and Gateways to V…
Together we are building an open and decentralized Internet of Things network in Klagenfurt.
Join us in unleashing the Internet of Things and make Klagenfurt part of the global network.
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Unleash Klagenfurt and become an official community of The Things Network
Unleash !The Klagenfurt community of The Things Network is based at HTL-Mössingerstrasse, a technical college for electronics, medical technology and electrical-engineering. This vocational school has also an emphasis on Industry 4.0 and IoT and commits itself to acquiring knowledge and supporting new technologies.
Our mission is not only to supply the entire city of Klagenfurt with Internet of Things data connectivity but also provide opportunities for LoRaWAN projects to students as well as to makers and enthusiasts of the area.
The community wants to provide a platform to all interested in this exiting new technology - whether you want to discuss technical issues of your project or just dip a toe ...
We are happy to have you join the community. Contact the core team and help us unleash the Internet of Things in Klagenfurt.
The Klagenfurt community of The Things Network is based at HTL-Mössingerstrasse, a technical college for electronics, medical technology and electrical-engineering. This vocational school has also an emphasis on Industry 4.0 and IoT and commits itself to acquiring knowledge and supporting new technologies.
Our mission is not only to supply the entire city of Klagenfurt with Internet of Things da…
And 5 contributors.
Show allAm Freitag, den 9.11. findet das erste Meetup der TTN-Community Klagenfurt statt!
Ort: HTL-Mössingerstraße, Raum 022W
Zeit: ab ca 13:30
hoffe auf zah…
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
htlfelix is now part of Klagenfurt community
There is a new published community nearby (Domzale)
Robert Oberwinkler posted an update in The Things Network Klagenfurt: "Updating to V3 ..."
Congratulations! Today is the 1-year anniversary of the community!
Congratulations! Today is the 6-month anniversary of the community!
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