Our mission is to provide the entire city of Izmir with IoT data connectivity through crowdsourcing.
Izmir is beautiful coastline city of Turkey and great source of innovations and development with the Universities and successful engineering companies enabling engineers and scientists to naturally source this network. Our network will expand very rapidly including amateur radio&electronics enthusiasts and programmers to name but a few. TTN Izmir will provide logistical information for researchers, engineers and scientists in order to drive forward creative design and use of IoT into the next decade.
Our mission is to provide the entire city of Izmir with IoT data connectivity through crowdsourcing.
Izmir is beautiful coastline city of Turkey and great source of innovations and development with the Universities and successful engineering companies enabling engineers and scientists to naturally source this network. Our network will expand very rapidly including amateur radio&electronic…
And 7 contributors.
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dnzrobotics is now part of Izmir community
Congratulations! Today is the 1-year anniversary of the community!
The Things Network Izmir is published!
The Things Network Izmir was initiated by zafer boz