South gateway raised!
By Pete Hoffswell
1 October 2024We have repositioned the south gateway to the top of the Fillmore water tower at M40 and 143rd. Thsi will give greater coverage to this area. The H…
Chasing IoT with LoRa in Holland Michigan. In 2017 we acquired our first node, added a second and third in 2018, and are going full force to make our community an even better place through connected stuff.
Tulips * Snow * Wooden Shoes * IoT
Chasing IoT with LoRa in Holland Michigan. In 2017 we acquired our first node, added a second and third in 2018, and are going full force to make our community an even better place through connected stuff.
Tulips * Snow * Wooden Shoes * IoT
And 4 contributors.
Show allWe have repositioned the south gateway to the top of the Fillmore water tower at M40 and 143rd. Thsi will give greater coverage to this area. The H…
We've added a new gateway in August of 2023 to south-east Holland to support field operations for the Holland Board of Public Works.
The Outdoor Discovery Center is working on watershed sensors in the east part of the network. We decided to do a quick drive-around to see what cove…
Holland's open-access LoRa network has completed migration to The Things Stack V3! Just in time, as the old V2 system retires December 1st. All gat…
As we approach snow season and the end of TTN v2, it is time to move to TTN V3! Our first gateway has been migrated. Pete's The Things Indoor Gatew…
The inventor of a "smart brick" temperature sensor that works in the City of Holland's downtown snowmelt system won the second annual Lakeshore Innov…
Gateway 3 on the roof on City Hall has been placed back in service after undergoing maintenance for software upgrades. This is our primary city gat…
Gateway 2 has moved to a central location near Hope College campus. Currently our main node, Gateway 3 is offline and under investigation.
We are working to deploy about 10 sensors across our downtown snowmelt area. More info soon!
The Multitech Conduit has been running solidly for quite some time in the middle of downtown. We decided to pull it out of service for upgrades. In…
We have added a second gateway! It is currently up in test on my desk. It is a RAK 831,, driven by a raspbe…
Here's a initial survey with our gateway in a test location. Coverage will get better as we move to a permanent location with better external antenn…
Can you believe it? We are the first node in the USA UP on the TTNmapper site! You can see our gateway and node at…
We are currently working with a single channel gateway for testing!
Wish us Luck!
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Holland, Michigan community page updated
Pete Hoffswell posted an update in The Things Network Holland, Michigan: "South gateway raised!"
ben-rau is now part of Holland, Michigan community
The Things Network Holland, Michigan organizes a Meetup on 4 August
Congratulations! Today is the 1-year anniversary of the community!