UHH & Lobaro install new Gateway on top of Geomatikum (85m)
By Lobaro
13 June 2017Together with geologists from the University of Hamburg, Lobaro was able to install a DIY gateway based on Raspberry PI on the roof of the 85m high "…
We want to establish The Things Network in and around the city of Hamburg.
For that, we already set up two gateways on rooftops in Hamburg-Altona and Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg.
Especially the use-cases of LoRaWAN networks are very interesting for us, e.g. measuring certain environmental parameters at locations where there is no Internet connection and no continous power source.
At the moment, we are a loose association of people interested in The Things Network. A monthly meeting is not established yet. In the future we plan to offer some workshops from time to time, e.g. in regard to setting up a LoRaWAN enabled sensor or building an outdoor gateway based on a Raspberry Pi.
We want to establish The Things Network in and around the city of Hamburg.
For that, we already set up two gateways on rooftops in Hamburg-Altona and Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg.
Especially the use-cases of LoRaWAN networks are very interesting for us, e.g. measuring certain environmental parameters at locations where there is no Internet connection and no continous power source.
At the moment, we are a…
Official community
And 101 contributors.
Show allTogether with geologists from the University of Hamburg, Lobaro was able to install a DIY gateway based on Raspberry PI on the roof of the 85m high "…
Last Friday we had our community kick-off at attraktor e.V. with over 20 participants.
After introducing LoRa, LoRaWAN and TheThingsNetwork the disc…
Congratulations for becoming an official community of The Things Network!
Many thanks to all the members of the community who contributed to this suc…
Finally, our new TTN gateway in Hamburg-Wilhelsmburg is online. We used the opportunity and deployed it on a rooftop (height around 40m) where Freif…
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
som is now part of Hamburg community
Hamburg community page updated
Thomas Wesenberg becomes a core team member of The Things Network Hamburg, congratz!
The Things Network Hamburg got its 50th member
There is a new official community nearby (Lübeck)
For the moment, write an email to ttn within the domain hamburg.freifunk.net.
Some people involved with TTN Hamburg often attend Freifunk Hamburg meetings.
See https://hamburg.freifunk.net/kalender for dates and locations.
We have our own Slack area if you want to discuss local topics and ideas online.
If you'd like to join us on Slack, here are some simple instructions: Go to https://account.thethingsnetwork.org.
If you have not created a TTN account, you will be prompted to do so. At the bottom right, you can ask for an invitation to Slack.
You should receive an email to sign up for TTN Slack. After you have completed this login, you can log into your account at https://thethingsnetwork.slack.com/.
You will then find the Hamburg channel in the station list.