It has been roughly half a year now since we started this community. Andi and I have mainly been focusing on finishing the Hardware for our LoRaWAN air quality sensor and finding suitable locations for TTN gateways. Big shout out to Clemens for running dustnet-gateway #3. This is the first gateway not installed by the core team and also the most successful one (if you see more range as more successful :) ).
The plan for this meetup is to get to know each other and talk LoRaWAN, TTN and maybe also possible locations for gateway. This meetup doubles as a Dustmap meetup so expect some air quality talk too.
With a little bit more time on our hands and the plan to improve our local communtiy we set a date for the first The Things Network Graz meetup.
Date: 5.10. 2018
Time: 15:00 - 20:00 (+/-)
Location: Office of the ANIMAL Creative Agency (Here on this Google StreetView Shot)
It is not necessary to register upfront. If you plan on dropping by, feel free to send us a quick mail, so we can dust off enough chairs.