Second Gateways is up. It is an RAK831 with RPI3+GPS.
Obviousl it is indoor, for now as we got a nice enclosure and cooling, etc. Maybe we manage to get an IP68 outdfoor enclosuire and lighn ing protection eventually and relocate it to a better location.
Next come the nodes:
1. 2xTTGO ESP32 LoRa v1
2. 2xRAK811 STM32 LoRa
3. BHP280 and DHT11 sensors to get some data
4. Make couple of weather stations and distribute the around town.
Ah also we got a 6dBi Glas Fiber Monopole antenna, should boost range significantly, should be installed in a dey or two.
Anyone wants to help out or make suggestions ofr projects, etc feel free to :)