Guten Tag!
By chili
22 November 2024Gude zusammen.
Ich bin absolut frisch hier.
Und eines vorneweg - ich finde mich hier gerade so gar nicht zurecht. ;o)
Irgendwie alles so unübersichtl…
Together we are building an open and decentralized Internet of Things network in Frankfurt.
Join us in unleashing the Internet of Things and make Frankfurt part of the global network.
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Unleash Frankfurt and become an official community of The Things Network
Unleash !Welcome to the TTN Frankfurt (Germany) community.
Let's create something big together.
Our mission is to provide an free, open and community-owned IoT network covering the city of Frankfurt.
Our borders are not the end of the city but the sky is the limit.
We would like to support the whole RheinMain area and promote it together.
Come in and join us, together we build up a gateway intrastructure. Our goal is smart citys
Welcome to the TTN Frankfurt (Germany) community.
Let's create something big together.
Our mission is to provide an free, open and community-owned IoT network covering the city of Frankfurt.
Our borders are not the end of the city but the sky is the limit.
We would like to support the whole RheinMain area and promote it together.
Come in and join us, together we build up a gateway intrastructu…
And 61 contributors.
Show allGude zusammen.
Ich bin absolut frisch hier.
Und eines vorneweg - ich finde mich hier gerade so gar nicht zurecht. ;o)
Irgendwie alles so unübersichtl…
Wie wäre es, hier in der Community wieder aktiver zu werden?
Es wäre schön, wenn sich wieder einige zusammen finden würden und wir uns austauschen un…
Do you want to develop your own LoRaWAN mapper within 2 hours based on opensource?
This tutorial will guide you through the necessary steps. To be …
Mapping in Rhein.Main ?
have a look at this…
At 25th of february we reached the 95 km from the Hambacher castle to our LoRa outdoor gateway in Frankfurt (DB-Skydeck - on top of the silvertower) …
Hello, I am new to the frankfurt group and like to contribute my ttn mapping efford of today. Walking against Steinbach, I reached a node distance of…
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
alukalee is now part of Frankfurt community
chili posted an update in The Things Network Frankfurt: "Guten Tag!"
The Things Network Frankfurt got its 50th member
There is a new published community nearby (Offenbach)
There is a new official community nearby (Main-Kinzig-Kreis)