Meetup, Still alive?
By felixpst
3 June 2022Form:
Hey, we would love to meet and exchange with some of you. If some of you are active, please show it by tick…
Wir möchten nicht nur in Düsseldorf ein Internet of Things Netzwerk ausbauen, sondern auch den Menschen die Möglichkeiten dieser neuen Technik beibringen.
Not only do we want to expand an Internet of Things network in Düsseldorf, but also teach people the possibilities of this new technology.
Wir möchten nicht nur in Düsseldorf ein Internet of Things Netzwerk ausbauen, sondern auch den Menschen die Möglichkeiten dieser neuen Technik beibringen.
Not only do we want to expand an Internet of Things network in Düsseldorf, but also teach people the possibilities of this new technology.
And 26 contributors.
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Hey, we would love to meet and exchange with some of you. If some of you are active, please show it by tick…
Hey Community,
when is the next meetup? if none is planned how about this month (09/2020)? who's in?
Hello everyone,
this is my first LoRaWan-Gateway :)
Pycom Pygate with Dual SX1257 transceivers for a total of 8 channels support.
Best regards,
Hey everyone,
we put one of the two indoor Gateways on the picture online. It is for now on the first floor in Startplatz. We are planning also a ou…
we would like to organise a monthly meetup of the community in Düsseldorf at Startplatz in Medienhafen. We are a Start-up building LoraWAN net…
I start a gateway in Bilk, next is in Eller an the in Gerresheim. I plan outdoor Gateways to build. So i dont think it´s dead.
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
drdus is now part of Düsseldorf community
The Things Network Düsseldorf got its 25th member
There is a new published community nearby (Bergisch Gladbach)
felixpst posted an update in The Things Network Düsseldorf: "Meetup, Still alive?"
There is a new official community nearby (Kreis Unna)
you can contact us thorugh e-mail: or join our Group on Telegram: