After gathering enough members signed up, getting a couple gateways installed and enabling the necessary communications tools all we needed was a launch event to get tagged an "offcial" TTN community.
We were joined by guest-of-honour Gerhard Peter who guided us through the story of how he got TTN Berlin established a few ago, engaged partners and supporters and over the years grew the community to well over 100 gateways.
His enthusiasm offers inspiration and his willingness to take time and help out a fledgling community thousands of kilometers away bears testimony to the TTN spirit.
One of the pieces of advice he offered was on regulatory guidance : in the UAE we can freely use the 868MHz band with devices under 50mW (17 dBm), under the Short Range Device regime. We can go up to 100mW as Low Power Devices, but those we would have to register and may have to pay a registration fee. So unless you have a true need to go above 50mW it may be best to keep your power down below 50mW and enjoy the free air !
That said, that is just my personal interpretation and I am by no means a legal pro.
I will contact the TRA to ask about the finer details.
Now that we are a community, let's start engaging more often, so looking forward to your feedback.
Congrats Dubai TTN !