Thanks for making the past Tuesday's event in The Things Network Bergen a big success. More than 50 of you showed up and contributed to a lot of great discussions during and after the presentations. Fascinating ideas exchanged hands, and it will be exciting to see where all the creative brainstorming will take us. When the last ones of us left Ørnen, it was almost 10 in the evening. I hope you had fun and that you got the chance to talk to somebody you didn't already know. Until we meet again, I would encourage all of you to continue the discussions and brainstorming in our Slack group.
I want to extend a huge thanks to our speakers: Erik Korvald from BKK, for telling us more about BKK's plans for the future in general and around LoraWAN in particular. Tom Osnes Svellingen from Bergen kommune municipality, for his presentation about how digitalization can be a means of realizing smart and sustainable services for our citizens. Finally, a big hand to our event sponsor, BKK, for providing us with the excellent facilities at Ørnen, including food, coffee, and soda.
PwC Bergen's podcast Misjon Vestlandet recorded two episodes during the event. Find them in your favourite podcast app, or use the links below:
If you have friends, family, or colleagues who might be interested in joining our community, please spread the word. Every single person counts. And – if you would like to be part of The Things Network Bergen-adventure on an organizational level, please reach out! Doing this is fun and motivating, and even more so if we are several people. Besides, if you have good ideas for events, topics, and speakers, please let us know.
I am looking very much forward to seeing you again next time! In the meantime, remember: You are the network. Let's build this thing together.
BKK shall lead the way in developing climate-friendly energy and future-oriented infrastructure solutions. We shall be a leading future-oriented energy and infrastructure company, playing a key role in social development in the future. The group's main strategy is based on our core values: Value creation, social responsibility, initiative and reliability. The company's head office is located in Bergen, Norway. Read more at