With about three weeks to go to the 29 October event at Scandic Ørnen, more than 40 of you have signed up. That's great! But if you have not done so already, make sure to claim your spot here before they run out: https://www.meetup.com/The-Things-Network-Bergen/events/265100376/
Today, we are thrilled to announce one more speaker: Tom Osnes Svellingen from Bergen kommune. He will tell us more about how they systematically work with digitalization as a means of realizing smart and sustainable services for their citizens. One example of this is the municipality's newly established data lake: Lungegårdsvannet. Lungegårdsvannet contains 6 use-cases: Bathing water, emergency room staff planning, mobility, nursing homes, water, and sewage as well as building and property.
In addition to Tom's presentation, we will learn more about some of the exciting projects going on in The Things Network Community. And we will go hands-on with the TTNmapper tool (which recently gained some attention during breathtaking local range records).
A big shoutout to our sponsor BKK for providing the meeting facilities, light food and soft drinks. Thanks!
Hoping to see all of you later this month!
BKK shall lead the way in developing climate-friendly energy and future-oriented infrastructure solutions. We shall be a leading future-oriented energy and infrastructure company, playing a key role in social development in the future. The group's main strategy is based on our core values: Value creation, social responsibility, initiative and reliability. The company’s head office is located in Bergen, Norway. Read more at https://www.bkk.no
Photo by Florencia Viadana on Unsplash