We were asked if we could share the slide deck from Rishabh's presentation last week, and we certainly can. Thanks Rish! Here goes: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tE_DgBdF19HyO9baS_OzJhqeYv1BRUV_Oo2Dfkms02c
As an additional bonus, please find attached the link to a generic The Things Network-presentation. It might become handy if you are planning to host your own TTN introductory presentation for family, friends or colleagues: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1v9cwygSAAx4m0lXMRZisfo2S7iYtxB4tpwRQK5R5Ttc
One of you had a question about the Future Week program I shared yesterday: Is it possible for the public to attend the Meteorologist gone tech; Meteorological crowdsourcing-session, in addition to the sensor building workshop? The answer to that is a big yes! Unless explicitly stated explicitly otherwise, all the Future Week sessions are free and open to the public. Some of them (like the sensor workshop) have limited spots, however, and in these cases I would advise you to act quickly and grab your free ticket.
If you would like to have another look at the Future Week program (more sessions are on the way), head over to the official website: https://mediacitybergen.no/future-week/program/#wednesday
Kind regards,
Ketil Moland Olsen