It's now only hours left before we will meet up at Scandic Ørnen. If you have not reserved your spot yet, this the last chance to do so. Similarly, if you have booked a ticket and are not able to make it, we would appreciate it if you could let us know by setting your attendance to "Not attending."
Here is tomorrow's agenda:
18:00-18:10: Welcome
18:10-18:25: What is The Things Network? A short intro for newbies.
18:30-19:00: BKK, LoraWAN, and the road ahead. BKK Digitek CEO Erik Korvald gives us a brief overview of where BKK is coming from and where they are currently headed.
19:00-19:30: Bergen kommune – Digitalization as a means of realizing smart and sustainable services for our citizens. By Enterprise Architect Tom Osnes Svellingen.
19:30-19:50: Food and coffee break. Our sponsor, BKK, will be serving light food, soft drinks, and coffee.
19:50-20:30: Getting started with TTN Mapper.
20:30-21:00: Coffee discussions. Meet your fellow IoT enthusiasts. And remember – if you have a good idea that you would like to discuss with the community, this is the perfect opportunity! And if you are ready for some mutual hacking, be sure to bring your laptop and gateway/devices!
I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
BKK shall lead the way in developing climate-friendly energy and future-oriented infrastructure solutions. We shall be a leading future-oriented energy and infrastructure company, playing a key role in social development in the future. The group's main strategy is based on our core values: Value creation, social responsibility, initiative and reliability. The company’s head office is located in Bergen, Norway. Read more at
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