It's been quite a while since i've had the time to do anything with IOT or the TTN network, however even though i'm snowed under at work, plans are under foot for the build and positioning of a new TTN Gateway here in Barnsley.
I am following my pervious build process using a Raspberry Pi 2 and the IMST ic880a SPI LoRaWAN Concentrator combination. I've sourced a different waterproof outdoor enclosure (GentleBOX JR-200) which I sourced from
The IMST iC880a LoRaWAN backplane kit by Gonzalo Casas will be used in this build... this will require me to source and sort out power using POE and a BUCK step-down power (which could be up to 48V) converter as the backplane does nothing fancy with power other than give you the ability to use a jack for input... we need to ensure that we 5V for both the Pi and the Concentrator.
Once i've assembled the parts and tested the gateway my plan is to get it installed on the roof of Gateway Plaza, which is where I work @ Barnsley Council. This should give us even better coverage of the Barnsley area.
I will keep you updated on my progress as well as some TTN Mapping that will be done once it is in place.