Among other things that I have ordered online in the previous month, this was the first item to arrive !
This is the cheapest LoRaWan Node that I could find that runs on a 32bit microprocessor, has WiFi, traditional Bluetooth and BLE low-power dual-mode, LoRa, and with an OLED display. In terms of connectivity range and bandwidth I have more options to play with from high-power-high bandwith to low-power-low bandwith. This has more processing power as compared to it's older brother the ESP8266. The OLED display comes as a bonus but may not be necessary - but then again it would be nice to see something other than flashing LEDs.
No idea how to program this just yet but for sure there is a code snippet out there that anybody could just simply copy and paste (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
I've managed to quickly display "The Things Network Bacolod City" (~‾▿‾)~
The next objective is to have it connected to my LoRaWan Gateway.