Hi all.
Excited to be part of the community.
Here's what I've got on hand
2x https://www.netblocks.eu/
2x https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Lora/GPS_HAT#Example4_--_Set_up_as_a_LoRa_Gateway_using_the_LowCostLoRaGw_library
1x https://www.seeedstudio.com/Seeeduino-LoRaWAN-W%2FGPS-p-2781.html
1x https://www.rakwireless.com/en/WisKeyOSH/RAK831
I'm in the pflugerville area. I've got two of the lora radios near the domain.
Eager to dive into lora quickly, and build my own backend . Found https://github.com/gotthardp/lorawan-server which looks promising.