The Things Conference Asia Pacific On Tour - Adelaide
By cruzer
11 September 2019Finally, an event close to home! If you are into LoRaWAN, this is an event you shouldn't miss.
Thanks to Leo Gaggl, Initiator of TTN Adelaide communi…
Our mission is to provide the entire Auckland with Internet of Things data connectivity
and to foster the use of a publicly shared LoRaWAN network backend, by sharing knowledge, ideas and of course, crowdsourcing the network via GATEWAY ACCESS to the whole Auckland community by its citizens and local companies.
We are arranging talks, demos, and presentations relating to TheThingsNetwork, and how you can use it to power your next internet of things for FREE.
We are happy to have you join the community. Contact the core team and help us unleash the Internet of Things in Auckland.
Our mission is to provide the entire Auckland with Internet of Things data connectivity
and to foster the use of a publicly shared LoRaWAN network backend, by sharing knowledge, ideas and of course, crowdsourcing the network via GATEWAY ACCESS to the whole Auckland community by its citizens and local companies.
We are arranging talks, demos, and presentations relating to TheThingsNetwork, and h…
Official community
And 75 contributors.
Show allFinally, an event close to home! If you are into LoRaWAN, this is an event you shouldn't miss.
Thanks to Leo Gaggl, Initiator of TTN Adelaide communi…
TTN Auckland Community was officially launched March 13, 2019 at the Event Room of the Tech Cafe in GridAKL, Lysaght Bldg. 101 Pakenham Street West,…
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pl…
Finally, after a year of slumber in the doldrums, we'll have our first meetup as a community. After a year of not so much activity, there are still s…
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
grahamhay is now part of Auckland community
The Things Network Auckland got its 50th member
cruzer posted an update in The Things Network Auckland: "The Things Conference Asia Pacific On Tour - Adelaide"
Auckland community page updated
Auckland community has a new resource
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