Seamapper achieved 245KM oversea to Kootwijk Gateway
By Remy de Jong
21 April 2021Very impressive distance achieved with our Seamapper on the Stenaline Ferry on SF7 to the Radio Kootwijk Gateway.
On a mission to provide Apeldoorn and the area around with a free IOT data network! We build and maintain an Open Source LoRaWAN Network in Apeldoorn.
Let's meet up and join us at Ondernemershuis Apeldoorn, Vlijtseweg 144 · Apeldoorn.
On a mission to provide Apeldoorn and the area around with a free IOT data network! We build and maintain an Open Source LoRaWAN Network in Apeldoorn.
Let's meet up and join us at Ondernemershuis Apeldoorn, Vlijtseweg 144 · Apeldoorn.
Official community
And 38 contributors.
Show allVery impressive distance achieved with our Seamapper on the Stenaline Ferry on SF7 to the Radio Kootwijk Gateway.
Following this link the actual status of the primary TTN-Apeldoorn gateways can be observed:…
In 2017 heeft TTN-Apeldoorn een LoRaWAN fijnstof meetstation gebouwd tijdens onze meetup in december. Met deze fijnstof meetstations hebben we meeged…
Op vrijdag 8 december heeft ApeldoornIT 4 gateways in bedrijf gesteld van de TTN community van Apeldoorn.
Dit het is het verslag van RTV Apeldoorn
The Apeldoorn TTN Community will be building dust particle sensors during the december meetup.
This article was publishe in the local newspaper.
In Apeldoorn wordt door IT- , innovatieve en andere (grote) bedrijven samengewerkt om te komen tot een smart city mbt veen LoRa netwerk. LoRa staat v…
Last week we had a very nice do-activity: together with 16 other enthusiastic men & Women, we made divers LoRa Hardware: Complete measurestation for…
In juni 2017 is het initiatief genomen om Apeldoorn in Data als burgerinitiatief te starten om het leefklimaat in de Gemeente Apeldoorn in kaart te b…
Friday, May 26, our second community gateway came online.
This gateway is adding indoor coverage to Apeldoorn North-East and will add redundancy to t…
Apeldoorn is an innovating city in IOT. A place where business and the TTN community of Apeldoorn go hand in hand.
The objective of the TTN Apeldoorn…
Wednesday, February 15, 2017 we have our first meetup of 2017.
Topcs This evening we will have a presentation from Jan van Loenen and Jaap de Winter …
So, we wanted to get started with the Things Network (TTN). Cunning plan! What is required for that? Nodes, Gateways, Infrastructure. A short list of…
Congratulations for becoming an official community of The Things Network!
Many thanks go out all the members of the community who contributed to this…
Onze eerste bijeenkomst na de vakantie met een use-case presentatie over LoRa op en rond parkeerplaatsen en simulatie van dekking van LoRa opstelpunt…
On June 8, we will meet and share our activities with LoRa.
Bring in your project, kits, electronics, laptops, SDK, what ever keeps you busy with LoR…
Kick-off Meeting LoRa open source Network Apeldoorn Our goal is to build a covering Open Source LoRa Network in Apeldoorn. Let's meet up and make a c…
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pa1kj is now part of Apeldoorn community
Remy de Jong posted an update in The Things Network Apeldoorn: "Seamapper achieved 245KM oversea to Kootwijk Gateway"
There is a new published community nearby (Ede)
Apeldoorn community has a new resource
Apeldoorn community page updated
Get in contact with the core-team:
Our meetup address: Ondernemershuis Apeldoorn, Vlijtseweg 144, Apeldoorn