Kaasfabriek Alkmaar Junior Internet of Things Challenge - Balloons Up! Zondag 9 April 2017

Marco van Schagen

Teach now or never.

Posted on 01-04-2017


At our Fablab "de Kaasfabriek" in Alkmaar we are bringing IOT on TTN to life! Several teams from different schools in Alkmaar have been working hard to build their GPS nodes "from the bare basics up". After several sessions of Research & Discovery they have tested their results on april 1st, and are now ready for their final demonstration. Teams will be present at 12.00 and ballooning starts around 13.00 to allow us a full afternoon for staring at the live maps, chatting and debating the kids' projects and the use of IOT in general.

Our tech specialists will be present and we are inviting some of the business partners. Anything goes! Which means you can bring all your questions, bring hardware, bee hives, sensors and all. Once enough stuff gets collected there is a great chance we will see another spontaneous IOT hackatron...!

A review of what the Junior Teams have accomplished on april 1st:

Yes we did it!
Als deel van week 7 in onze Junior Internet of Things Challenge hebben de teams op 1 april hun trackers aan de balonnen de lucht in gestuurd. Als je het hebt gemist, geen probleem, op International IOT Day zondag 9 april doen we het gewoon nog een keer!

Update: het 2018 programma staat nu ook klaar, zie: http://junioriotchallenge.nl