Over the past months, we have been meeting for Meet Greet & Make sessions at the Effinger coworking space in Bern, where a gateway and people are around to help build solutions on The Things Network. At the beginning of February, we were kindly invited by ti&m, based at the nearby Monbijou park, to plug in for an evening of tinkering and sharing. The goal of the evening: to implement various small IoT projects and integrate them into the TTN using LoRaWAN. We started with an input session, provided hardware for 6 teams of 4-5 people, gave a short introduction and direct support. Everyone was welcome! We will close the session around 10pm with a drink in hand.
Impressions and full notes on the HedgeDoc (coredump)
If you have any questions, please contact us via the #ttn-bern
Slack channel. In other news .. the week-long MakeZurich hackathon is being planned again for June 2023! We are helping to reactivate ONIA and the community around it - searching for your inputs, sponsorship, and volunteers. If you have any ideas for events or activities or you would like to help organize something, please write to info@opennetworkinfrastructure.org - or just post and discuss ideas in the #association
🌃 Next meetup: Meet Greet Make