Helium miner Not added to the TTi
By bigpaul8969
26 March 2022Dear Sydney Helium
After deleting my account, and then reading you must release your gateway before doing so.
This the part where I should have read …
IoT Integrators, Meshed Pty Ltd, is partnering with organisations throughout Sydney to create a city-wide, community sponsored LoRaWAN network, that is available for anyone to use. We will encourage individuals and teams to create "grass-roots" IoT solutions and promote those solutions to the community.
IoT Integrators, Meshed Pty Ltd, is partnering with organisations throughout Sydney to create a city-wide, community sponsored LoRaWAN network, that is available for anyone to use. We will encourage individuals and teams to create "grass-roots" IoT solutions and promote those solutions to the community.
Official community
And 194 contributors.
Show allDear Sydney Helium
After deleting my account, and then reading you must release your gateway before doing so.
This the part where I should have read …
Hi All,
How many contributors have moved their gateways and devices to TTN V3 ?
I ask the question becuase I setup a new gateway on TTN V3 and regist…
We are pleased to announce the availability of TTN Gateway at Wentworhville, NSW.
Deepak Vijayaraj
Unite IT Consulting
New Multitech gateway with external antena has been deployed at Tucks Road, Seven Hills @ ProIoTWare office (www.proiotware.com)
Actual elevation of …
The first two AS923 gateways in Sydney have been deployed at Macquarie University.
Both are external gateways mounted on high points, and we are alre…
Sydney has a new TTN LoRaWAN gateway! This one is located in North Ryde and courtesy of AARNet. It's an external gateway and the antenna is well plac…
Congratulations for becoming an official community of The Things Network!
Many thanks go out all the members of the community who contributed to this…
Last week a new TTN gateway went live in Sydney on top of Barangaroo Tower 3. This is a joint effort between KPMG, International Towers, IoTAA and fa…
We now have a Meetup group for those interested in deploying devices on the The Things Network in Sydney.
Good article covering our Sydney Things Network launch at UTS yesterday.
Meshed and University of Technology Sydney are pleased to announce a new LoRaWAN gateway for inner Sydney
The gateway is located on the roof of the h…
At yesterday's IoT Sydney Meetup we saw a presentation on a Things Network use case for hikers. See https://prezi.com/rzktfbhra7lv/lorawan-for-hiker…
We’ve had a gateway up and running at Meshed for a few months and we’re now improving its range with a better antenna installation. The gateway is lo…
There will be a presentation on The Things Network and LoRaWAN at the Feb-2016 Sydney IoT Meetup. See http://www.meetup.com/Internet-of-Things-Sydney…
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
novelte is now part of Sydney community
bigpaul8969 posted an update in The Things Network Sydney: "Helium miner Not added to the TTi"
There is a new published community nearby (Northern Beaches)
The Things Network Sydney organizes a Meetup on 9 October
Sydney community page updated
Want to contribute? Get in touch! ttn@meshed.com.au