28 gateways and more on the way
By Terry Moore
30 January 2019Thanks to a concerted outreach effort by Jon Bosak, we're up to 28 gateways deployed, with more on the way in the next week or two. Looking to get mo…
Let's build an open, free and community-owned IoT data network for Ithaca and Tompkins County!
Let's build an open, free and community-owned IoT data network for Ithaca and Tompkins County!
Official community
And 27 contributors.
Show allThanks to a concerted outreach effort by Jon Bosak, we're up to 28 gateways deployed, with more on the way in the next week or two. Looking to get mo…
We just added our 17th gateway, in Danby, NY! Thanks to Earl Hicks for hosting!
We're planning a workshop for Saturday, January 14, to go through a pollution-monitoring application from end to end with Max Zhang's team from Corne…
Thanks to Cornell Cooperative Extension, we now have a gateway in the city of Ithaca, near the farmer's market. Combined with MCCI's gateway, we have…
Congratulations for becoming an official community of The Things Network!
Many thanks go out all the members of the community who contributed to this…
We have two gateways up (or three, depending on the day), and the initial coverage reports are really encouraging. We had a workshop last weekend at …
Happy to report that MCCI's gateway is live at our headquarters on Krums Corners Road!
We had our "big meeting" July 12. Thanks to some inspired PR work by Jon Bosak, at least 25 people attended (either in person or via teleconference).…
The Ithaca Voice ran an article on July 1 about our activities and our July 12 meeting: "How will Ithaca Embrace the Next Stage of Internet Tech?" h…
Thanks to support from sponsor MCCI, and a great starting point from The Things Network New York's github page, we now have a website, https://Ithaca…
We had our first meeting last night at MCCI. Three people were present in person, three others via the web (and of course, I was there in addition as…
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
ajm448 is now part of Ithaca, New York community
The Things Network Ithaca, New York organizes a Meetup on 17 December
There is a new published community nearby (Syracuse)
The Things Network Ithaca, New York got its 25th member
Terry Moore posted an update in The Things Network Ithaca, New York: "28 gateways and more on the way"
Contact Terry Moore, tmm@mcci.com.