Alpha-Omega Technology partners with The Things Industries for seamless integration of LoRaWAN data into IoT systems.
Alpha-Omega Technology implements IoT solutions for municipalities and companies based on low-power networks such as LoRaWAN and advises them on implementation. The Things Industries (TTI) is an enterprise-grade LoRaWAN network provider and the creator of the global community-based LoRaWAN network The Things Network (TTN).
By joining forces, Alpha-Omega Technology and TTI enable businesses to integrate LoRaWAN data as easily as possible into an existing Internet of Things network.
"With TTI, we have found a partner who pursues the same goal as we do: To make the use of IoT via LoRaWAN as easy as possible. Most of our customers who want to run a LoRaWAN-based IoT start with TTN. Thanks to the flexible technology and the worldwide community, there are very few barriers to entry. Those who want to set up professionally can then easily switch to TTI," says Jan Bose, Managing Director of Alpha-Omega Technology. The cooperation with TTI thus brings Jan Bose a further step closer to his vision of the simplest possible setup and operation of LoRaWAN applications in the electricity and gas sector.
Alpha-Omega Technology also partnered with The Things Network to create the KLAX-Bundle, an affordable plug & play entry-level package for private LoRaWAN users. It includes the optical readout device for electricity meters with optical interface "KLAX" and The Things Indoor Gateway.
Watch the full product demo by Felix Wolf, CTO of Alpha-Omega Technology made during The Things Virtual Conference.