The Things Conference goes on tour, make sure it drops by your area

With 750 visitors from 45 countries around the world, The Things Conference was a huge success. To replicate this event on a global level, The Things Conference goes on a world Tour! How will this work? By open-sourcing the conference and allowing anyone with the right skill and mindset to organize an event in their local area.

All the work that was put into organizing the first edition of the conference in Amsterdam is summarized in a conference guide and can be used freely. A complete brand package is available too and every local organizer can count on support from the core conference team of The Things Network.


Why is The Things Network organizing these conferences?
Because there is a huge demand for qualified IoT developers. The market calls for LoRaWAN experts, capable of developing reliable, secure and scalable solutions. As Wienke Giezeman says:

Let’s put the right skills and tools in the hands of developers and make them part of the professional ecosystem. Together, we bring LoRaWAN experts to the market, capable of creating the next generation of LoRaWAN solutions.

Do you have the guts to organize a conference? Join in and become the local host of The Things Conference on Tour. Reach out to Laurens Slats: to discuss how to get started.

Getting Started
The first set of documents are available here. These will help you in kickstarting the organization of the conference. To sum up:

  • Show your interest by dropping a mail to
  • Read along the blogs for organizing the conference. Link
  • Find a team, set a date and be make sure The Things Conference on Tour takes pace in your area.