Getting involved with The Things Network as a Business

Wienke Giezeman

Initiator of The Things Network

Posted on 22-05-2017

When we founded The Things Network, we saw the huge potential in creating an Internet of Things infrastructure that was not closed and silo-ed but open and free, just like the Internet itself. The abundant data connectivity, created with the open network, results in exponential innovation in the IoT market.

Link - Launching The Things Network in New York

As The Things Network continues to grow, tons of new ideas are being generated. Products being developed and new businesses being founded. Once these businesses realize their ideas and start large scale deployments, a robust and reliable infrastructure with control over the level of service and security becomes an essential requirement.

We feel that the professional services and commercial applications utilizing The Things Network are critical to our mission of covering the world with an open Internet of Things data network. Only when value is created on the network, it is worthwhile to keep investing in maintenance, infrastructure and further rollouts. Most importantly, we need to keep obeying the key principles as commercial incentives can also steer us in the wrong direction.

We want you to succeed adding value to the network. So how can you build your business with this open technology?

For example, build end-to-end applications as Xignal does with their smart mouse traps or the Port of Amsterdam with their smart truck parking solution. Create value added services on the infrastructure like Netcetera which built an IoT platform. Or, run the hosted open source network server under an SLA for customers.



We are actively engaging with other companies to join us in providing Internet of Things services. For our growing community of professionals, we have built a new platform - The Things Industries Marketplace. Here you can find different products and services that make use of the network and create value.


The Things Industries

At the core of The Things Industries’ portfolio, you can find the LoRaWAN network server - an enterprise grade piece of software allowing easy integration of LoRaWAN into your business.


The network server is highly scalable with a small resource footprint and can be deployed as a secure private network server on-site or in the cloud. You can even enable community collaboration with the gateways, while securing the quality of service of your own. This feature is only enabled bidirectionally as you must contribute to the community network to also leverage it. We offer our software under license or as a complete hosted solution together with Amazon Web Services. Through its micro service architecture, the product is easy to integrate into existing systems or extensible without our interference.

We are happy to fulfil the demands of many to provide The Things Network as an enterprise service. We support LoRaWAN networks under an SLA and invite other businesses to do the same. Some of the ways you can get involved with us are:

  • Provide The Things Network related services
  • Become reseller of our core products as an integrator
  • Partner with us on end-to-end solutions
  • Start your own network as an operator that hosts and manages gateways under an SLA

We invite everyone to join and we are happy to highlight you within our professional ecosystem. Please drop us a message if you want to get involved as a business: