Inspire and get inspired by community contributed stories.
The Things Network LABS acts as a platform to educate and inspire our worldwide community. Anyone can submit stories to the platform that can help people making better use of The Things Network. Stories can relate to a new design for a node, a tutorial for connecting a granny's walker frame or an amazing PR stunt to boost the awareness of The Things Network in a local area.
Best submitted stories
6 great stories have been submitted in the past three weeks. Three om them relate to use cases: Queue-less by Peter Lovei, Building your LoRa DustDuino by Martijn Quaedvlieg and Smart Rain Gardens by Chris Merck. Furthermore, a tutorial from Frans Beks is submitted aobut Building a DIY gateway, Stefaan Kiebooms wrote a story about using MQTTlens with The Things Network and a detailed story about significantly increasing the range of your gateway by adding an outdoor antenna to an indoor gateway is submitted by Martijn Quaedvlieg.
One of these stories already has over 450 views within a few weeks time and initiated an active Forum discussion.
For this reason we announce the story about "Increasing the range of your gateway by adding an outdoor antenna to an indoor gateway" as the best, most relevant submission of the past three weeks.
Many thanks go out to Martijn Quaedvlieg for the submission. As a way of saying thanks, you will find you some great The Things Network merchandise at your doorstep soon.
Add your labs story
Are you, or have you been working on a great project where you use The Things Network for? Don't hesitate to share your work with the community, allowing more people to build great things on top of our open, crowdsourced network.