Also a 2 color LED, red on power on (plugged in) and green flashing when it can reach a gateway, green continue when the coffee machine/tv is on and a notification is transmitted.
These HiLinks are very good (tested before) , but I’ve never used them on a node, I’m more concerned about possible noise interference with that hall sensor, test before mounting everything
RSSI does not determine whether data is included. Packet being from gateway received within deduplication timeout is what matters. Packets received after the timeout are discarded as duplicates.
and what determines this ’ deduplication timeout ’
… a lot of packets from that specific GW, is that possible, a ‘slow’ responding GW with a good rf signal ?
now I understand the following (a little bit) better :
during testing of this node firmware, I had one day my own gateway on, OTAA joining worked fine and when I switched my gateway off the packets were seen by 3 other gateways (sometimes only one)
next day, I had my gateway still off, I started the node again… no OTAA possible but join request visible in application ?? switched my gateway on, re started the node, no problem joining, switched off my gateway…
e voila… packets are seen by 3 gateways. my conclusion sofar… always start your node close to a gateway