CMWX1ZZABZ-078 Power Usage

With the availability of the CMWX1ZZABZ-078 Arduino core I have started to write application firmware for the various devices with embedded CMWX1ZZABZ-078 modules and test peak and average power usage as well as sleep current.

Grasshopper sleep current is 2.1 uA, LoRaSensorTile 12 uA, and Cricket Asset Tracker 14 uA.

First test of the LoRaSensorTile in use as an edge node casting BME280 and battery voltage data to TTN every five minutes:


shows peak TX power of 33 mA and average power (at 3V3 input) of ~50 uA.

This is with all sensors active (sensor reads once per minute) but the SPI flash is not selected (trying to figure this out now) so I am not actively writing data for logging, but this will affect the average power usage only slightly.

So ~50 uA average power is ~1.2 mAH per day, meaning a LoRaSensorTile edge node powered by a small 3.3 V booster and one AAA battery should last for more than two years.

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