LoRa transmission from low orbit satellite

Thomas Telkamp

The Things Network

Posted on 26-01-2018

With generous support from ESA , Space Norway and Norwegian Space Centre, NORSAT-2 will be transmitting live LoRa messages from space during the Things Conference, running from 1st to 3rd February 2018 in Amsterdam (NL).

This satellite, launched in July 2017, is orbiting the earth at and altitude of approx. 600km, and will be passing over Amsterdam 2x in the morning, and 2x at night. On the roof of the Rockstart building, where the conference will take place, a receiver will be placed that is connected to a live screen in the conference area inside.

For a few days, NORSAT-2 will be 'TTNSAT-1'!

What messages the satellite will be transmitting? You have to visit the conference to see, or try to receive the transmission yourself (and win a prize)!

Contact: thomas@thethingsnetwork.org